On behalf of the Board of Polish Cardiac Society, I would like to invite you to submit a proposal for publishing Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal), the official monthly of Polish Cardiac Society, for the period from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2021, with the option for a non-competitive contract renewal for the subsequent 2 years (until March 31, 2023). The terms and conditions and other documents pertaining to this request are available on the society’s website: www.ptkardio.pl.
Polish Cardiac Society works towards the following long-term goals of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal):
1. Maintenance of and a further increase in the journal’s scientific level (assessed according to objective criteria such as impact factor and Index Copernicus values).
2. Increasing the circulation of the journal.
3. Establishing a connection between the fee for the annual congress of the society and journal subscription.
4. Publishing the Polish version of the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), shortly after their publication in European Heart Journal.
5. Ongoing use of an electronic manuscript submission and review system.
6. Generating income allowing for further development of the journal and execution of statutory activities of the society.
The current circulation of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal) is 4000 copies monthly.
The proposal submitted to the Board of Polish Cardiac Society should contain the following components:
1. Characteristics of the candidate company with reference to each of the evaluation criteria listed below.
2. Cooperation model and its economic and legal conditions, with a budget estimate for standard issues, supplements, and issues related to congresses of Polish Cardiac Society, publication of the guidelines of the ESC, division of advertising revenues.
3. Authorized copy of company documents, including tax number.
4. Recommendation letters written by editors-in-chief of the other journals published by the candidate.
5. Example issues of scientific and scientific educational journals published by the candidate.
Candidates will be assessed according to the following evaluation criteria:
1. Experience in publishing medical scientific and scientific educational journals (the number of current and past journals with their titles, circulation, number of subscribers, publication period).
2. Scientific position of the publishing house (according to impact factor and Index Copernicus values of individual journals as well as an aggregated value for the candidate).
3. The period of the candidate’s publishing activity in the field of medicine.
4. Availability of technical facilities and human resources ensuring efficient implementation and execution of the full publishing, printing, and logistic processes, including the following main components:
• Editorial department (ensuring the takeover of manuscripts from the journal office, copyediting and proofreading of manuscripts in Polish and English, ensuring fast and efficient translations of the ESC guidelines),
• DTP department (eg, text typesetting),
• Graphic department (graphic design of projects and figures),
• Logistics department (eg, distribution),
• Legal department (ensuring protection of Polish Cardiac Society’s copyright laws regarding the ESC standards).
5. Availability of technical facilities and human resources ensuring efficient implementation and execution of the full publishing and distribution processes for the electronic version of the journal.
6. Experience in managing and distribution of the electronic versions of journals.
7. Experience in the sale of subscriptions and / or individual issues of the journal (electronic / printed version) and individual articles (electronic version, using bank payment cards and electronic transfers).
8. Availability of server devices along with guaranteed power maintenance and a high bandwidth connection.
9. Availability of a specialized marketing unit within the organization’s structure, with experience in sales of publishing and advertising products on the medical market.
10. Availability of modern tools to run the journal, such as:
• online manuscript review system
• online system allowing manuscript transfer to the journal office.
11. Experience in translation and publication of international medical guidelines.
Please send offers to the following address:
Zarząd Główny
Polskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne
ul. Stawki 3A/1
00-193 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 887 18 56
fax: +48 22 887 18 58
e-mail: zarzad.glowny@ptkardio.pl
The deadline for submitting offers: June 30th, 2018
Prof. dr hab. med. Anetta Undas
Chairman of the Competition Committee
Request for proposal for the publisher of Kardiologia Polska (Polish Heart Journal), the official monthly of Polish Cardiac Society